General terms and conditions for the provision of services
General terms and conditions for the provision of postal services offered by Gopostly LDA.
Contracting entities
1.1 Postal service provider
Gopostly LDA (hereinafter referred to as: Provider)
Registered office: Rua do Cais 25, Sao Roque do Pico, 9940-355, Portugal
NIF# EN 516775774
Telephone: +351 926100669
Working hours: MON-FRI, 08:30 – 17:30, SAT-SUN: CLOSED
Services provided through partners
1.2. Client, Tourist/Sender
Customer, Service Applicant / Consignor (hereinafter: Applicant / Consignor / Customer): natural person, legal entity, unincorporated company or other organisation, requesting the Service Provider’s services by placing an order registered on the gopostly-app mobile application or website
The Applicant / Sender is in contact with the Provider and the Shop (the seller of the products to be shipped), and based on the Provider’s offer submits the approved order from the shops to the Provider indicating the chosen service (including its characteristics, where applicable) and may request any information from the Provider. According to the order addressed to the Service Provider, the actual provision of the postal service, starting from the collection of the postal consignment from the shop’s premises until delivery, will, however, be carried out by its contractual partners, based on the existing connection with the Service Provider and the data provided by the Service Provider.
1.3 The shop
The shop is the one that supplies (sells directly in the shop) products to the consignor/tourist. This is the one who will call the courier via the app/website and who will prepare/weighing the package for transport.
2. General rules for using the services
2.1. Packaging, sealing, addresses
The sender and the shop are responsible for the packaging of postal items as well as for the data on the postal item. The shop must ensure that the address is appropriately indicated for the postal service requested (e.g. including all sender's identification data in the case of cash on delivery service, etc.) and that the packaging of the postal item will protect and provide security appropriate to the nature of the contents.
Packaging of the postal item: According to the characteristics, nature, shape and weight of the contents, the postal item shall be packaged in such a way that the packaging protects the contents inside. For the wrapping, a clean, opaque package should be chosen which does not allow the contents to be seen, but which does not prevent the address from being legible, and on the surface of which the address and other signs, labels, indications/markings can be easily and durably affixed. The shop is responsible for the packaging of the products.
Closure of postal items: The wrapping, inner and outer packaging and closure shall ensure that the contents cannot be accessed without obvious damage to the wrapping. Only fully sealed postal items can be accepted. The contractor shall not make the provision of postal services conditional on the opening of the mail item, shall not open the mail item and shall not use any tampering methods which would enable any person to become aware of the contents of the mail item.
Indication of addresses: The postal item will bear the full identification details of the addressee and, in the case of the Cash on Delivery service, of the sender (name and surname/name in the case of legal persons, and full delivery address).
Postal items containing fragile goods should be properly packed by the sender, filling and cushioning materials should be used around the items (shrink-wrap, shock-proof polystyrene or other material that attenuates mechanical shock) and account should be taken of the strength and durability of the packaging chosen according to the contents (flat fragile items should have protective separators, computer disks should be protected with special bubble materials, sharp edges of the goods should be protected with supporting material, well secured; valuable goods should be protected with at least double cardboard packaging; for wooden boxes the corners should be checked/secured and the lid should be sealed). The inscription "Fragile" must be applied.
The postal consignment will be collected by the Service Provider's partners at the address indicated by the sender (the shop from which the products were ordered). Delivery of the postal item is made to the address indicated by the Applicant/Sender.
2.2. Rules on the content of the postal item
The sender is responsible for the correctness of the data on the postal item and the shop for the correct packaging of the postal item.
It is the responsibility of the sender and the shop to ensure that the contents of the mail item comply with the law. The contents of the postal item may not be an object or material the transport of which is prohibited by law, contrary to public order or morality, such as, but not limited to, the prohibited items listed below:
- weapons
- materials dangerous to humans and animals: explosive materials, explosives, flammable materials, materials with toxic or caustic effects, radioactive materials, infectious materials or materials with a risk of infection, solutions dangerous to humans, or any other materials which, because of their characteristics, may have adverse effects on other postal items or on staff.
- flammable materials (e.g. petrol, diesel, fuel oil, liquefied gas);
- gas, pyrotechnic devices (e.g. gas spray)
- detergent and all cleaning fluids and powders
- all other objects, materials, substances that could theoretically endanger human life, the environment, public safety, state safety, the courier, partners, colleagues and transport vehicles.
- drugs, hallucinogenic substances, psychotropic materials, narcotics and other hallucinogenic materials and defined in the criminal code;
- cigarettes, tobacco and other tobacco products in any quantity
- objects which are offensive to feelings of piety, funeral ashes, human remains;
- health samples (including body fluids and tissue samples)
- flower bouquets, potted plants
- live or dead animals;
- perishable, infectious, disgusting products;
- perishable food, frozen food;
- temperature-sensitive products whose transport requires cooling or heating;
- alcohol in commercial quantities;
- champagne, sparkling wine;
- carbonated drinks, beer;
- alcoholic products prepared at home;
- liquid products that have not been properly packaged;
- cash (paper money or coins) in any currency, means of payment replacing cash: e.g. bank card, debit card, meal vouchers, holiday vouchers, paper money.
- fashion jewellery, jewellery made of precious metals or precious stones
precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), precious stones
non-replaceable or unique items; - works of art that are part of the national heritage, works of art of great value;
- aerosol, deodorant, spray, etc.
- fire extinguisher
- unpackaged products
- damaged products
- postal items that do not meet the packaging criteria set out above.
In the case of consignments which are the subject of international postal services, the sender and the addressee must additionally comply with the legal provisions applicable in the customs field, as well as the legislation of the States on whose territory the postal services are carried out and of those transited by the postal item.
By virtue of the legal provisions on the secrecy of postal items, the Service Provider is not obliged to check whether the content of the postal item is excluded from carriage or whether it can only be carried under certain conditions. However, if, at any stage of the service, after taking delivery of the postal item, it is found beyond doubt that the postal item contains goods prohibited from carriage or the special conditions required for carriage are not fully complied with under the relevant legislation, i.e. do not comply with the legislation of the States on whose territory delivery is to be made or of the States to be transited, the postal item in question shall not be handed over to the addressee. The burden of proof shall lie with the Provider. The Sender is liable for damage caused by the postal item to the life, health and bodily integrity of persons, as well as to other objects, equipment of the Provider and other postal items.
The Provider is not responsible for any alterations to the postal item by electromagnetic means or due to electromagnetic causes (e.g. demagnetization, X-ray scanning in security/damage procedures, etc.).
The value of the shipment is NOT refundable.
3. Rights and obligations
3.1. Rights and obligations of the Applicant/Sender/Customer
A) The Applicant is obliged to submit in writing the order for the provision of the postal service via the Provider's application or website, indicating the type of postal service chosen, detailed data about the postal item: size, weight, quantity, and other relevant data about it, especially in the case of international postal items, and filling in the fields of the order form accordingly. The responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided rests with the applicant/sender. The Applicant acknowledges that the Service Provider does not accept orders placed verbally or in person at the Service Provider's customer service or by telephone, but that all data requested by the Service Provider must be sent via the Service Provider's application or website. After submitting/registering the order the Applicant/Sender acknowledges that by completing the order, aware of his/her criminal liability, he/she declares that there is no illegal, contrary to the law of the state of collection, transit or delivery, or dangerous content in the postal item and, by this declaration, assumes full legal and material liability for the content of the postal item regardless of whether it was personally packed in the postal item or picked up by the Provider's staff.
B) The Provider agrees to collect the Mailship to the extent that they meet the conditions of acceptance set forth by the Provider herein, also available on the Provider's website. The shop selling the products acknowledges that proper packaging is its responsibility.
C) The Applicant is obliged to pay the postal service charge requested. If the applicant has mistakenly calculated the weight of the package and after official weighing by the courier it is found that the package is heavier (falls into another price category), then the applicant agrees to pay the price difference between the two weights, according to the invoice issued by the Provider, calculated on the basis of the prices displayed in the application.
D) If the Applicant/Sender wishes to exercise his/her right of withdrawal/withdrawal from the postal services, he/she is obliged to send his/her wish of withdrawal/withdrawal electronically to the e-mail: only to the extent that the postal item has not been collected by the Provider's staff, and to the extent that the postal item has already been collected only if the Applicant has opted for the change of destination service. To the extent that one of these conditions is met, the Provider will confirm receipt of the withdrawal/withdrawal to the Applicant within 1 working day in writing by e-mail.
3.2 Rights and obligations of the Provider
A) The Service Provider is obliged to ensure secure communication between the Shipper and the Store.
B) The written order for the service request sent by the Applicant/Sender electronically will be confirmed by the Service Provider by e-mail or app.
C) The Service Provider manages, organizes and forwards to the partner chosen by the Applicant/Sender the orders received electronically, including the data indicated in the order form.
D) In order to perform the service ordered by the Applicant/Sender, the Service Provider shall obtain and conclude postal service contracts with its partners necessary for the effective provision of postal services. The Service Provider shall conclude service contracts and other contracts with third parties and its partners on its own behalf but for the benefit of the Applicant/Sender.
E) The Service Provider shall inform the Applicant/Sender/Receiver fully about the postal delivery under the order - even during the performance of the postal service, at the express request of the Applicant, by providing certain details, such as the order identification number and/or the waybill number. During the legal relationship, the Service Provider will maintain permanent contact with the Applicant/Sender who ordered the postal service (i.e. the authorised contact person designated by the Applicant/Sender) and with the partner concerned, and will ensure the flow of information, the possibility of lodging complaints, objections or other observations and statements.
4. Services
The services of GOPOSTLY LDA refer to postal services exclusively as an intermediary, the actual provision of postal services being carried out through its partners. GOPOSTLY LDA does not have its own transport vehicles and does not employ staff to carry out collection, sorting, transport or delivery operations, and therefore does not come into physical contact with postal items, all these operations being carried out through its partners. Gopostly LDA is responsible to the Applicant/Customer/Sender for the provision and delivery of postal services, but it uses third party postal service providers (an updated list of postal service providers through which
As far as the activity of GOPOSTLY LDA is concerned, it is GOPOSTLY LDA that organises the provision of the postal service, which will be carried out by the partner chosen by the Customer/Applicant/Sender, for which reason the Customer/Applicant/Sender will communicate and request all information related to the postal delivery to and from GOPOSTLY LDA, the responsibility for the provision of the postal services to the Customer being the exclusive responsibility of GOPOSTLY LDA.
The Provider ensures the provision of postal services after the confirmation of orders through the interaction between the application downloaded on the Customer's phone and that of the shop (QR Code scanning) or registration/confirmation on the website.
4.1 Cash on delivery service
The service provider provides the COD postal service, the particularity of which is that the recipient pays the sender, via the postal network, for the value of the good that is the subject of the registered mail. Postal items subject to the cash on delivery service are accepted only if the sender has correctly and completely indicated all his identification data.
The Cash on Delivery Service provided by the Service Provider may only be used for domestic mail items. Thus, the request for cash on delivery postal service is available only for domestic postal items and the currency in which the payment of the sums of money can be made for the Cash on Delivery service is RON. The maximum amount accepted by the supplier is 10.000 RON (approximately 2000 EUR). The deadline for returning to the sender the value of the goods that are the subject of the postal items (the amounts collected from the recipient) is a maximum of 14 days after delivery of the postal item, and the method of payment is by bank transfer.
Customers also acknowledge that the Provider is exempt from any liability and obligation to pay compensation if the refund amount that has been transferred to the bank account indicated by the Applicant/Sender, cannot be accessed by the account holder for other reasons affecting the account, independent of the Provider. The Provider shall, however, provide proof of payment of the amount to the account indicated by the Applicant.
4.2 Quality of postal services
The service provider undertakes that, in the course of its business, it will fully perform the services ordered by the applicant/consignor in accordance with the general terms and conditions, will deliver the postal items safely and will hand them over in undamaged and undamaged condition as received from the sender.
The route of the postal items collected for delivery to the addressee will be chosen by the Service Provider and its partner.
4.3. Delivery time
The delivery time for postal items collected and delivered from/to Romania is 2-4 working days.
The Service Provider does not provide express postal services for domestic postal items.
In the case of international postal items in Europe, which are not subject to the Express service, the delivery times for services relating to international postal items vary according to each country, but do not exceed the maximum delivery time of 10 working days, calculated from the time of collection of the item until its delivery to the recipient. For destinations outside Europe (countries available in the app and website) the delivery time is between 10-17 working days.
4.4. Weight and size limits
The weight limits of postal items that can be collected, sorted, transported and delivered with the Provider's partners, taking into account the means of transport and handling available to the partners, are as follows:
The maximum permissible weight of a domestic mail item is 31 kg.
The maximum weight allowed for an international mail item is 40 kg in Europe and 20 kg outside Europe.
The volumetric weight is calculated according to the formula length x width x height/6000.
The maximum accepted size limits of the postal item:
maximum circumference (length + 2*width+2*height) 340 cm;
maximum length 200 cm where transport is exclusively by road, 120 where transport is mainly by air.
5. Refusal, termination, impossibility to provide the service
5.1 Refusal to conclude and fulfill the contract
The Service Provider does not accept postal consignments in the following situations:
the postal consignment consists of goods whose carriage is prohibited by law, even if only for a portion of the journey;
postal items whose packaging bears inscriptions that are contrary to public order or morality;
The service provider has the right to refuse to deliver the postal item to the addressee in the following cases:
when, after taking delivery of the postal item, it appears beyond doubt that it contains goods which are prohibited for carriage or which do not comply with the special conditions of carriage laid down in accordance with the relevant legislation, namely the legislation of the States on whose territory the delivery is to be made or of the States to be transited;
when, after taking over the postal item, it has caused or may imminently cause damage to persons, the environment, the installations used or other postal items; in this case, the Service Provider may destroy the postal item in compliance with the applicable legislation and, where possible, inform the sender, and the contract shall be automatically terminated. The burden of proof shall lie with the Service Provider.
5.2 Termination of the contract
The contract between the applicant/consignor and the Provider shall terminate in one of the following cases:
- by handing over the postal item to the addressee or returning it to the sender;
- by handing over to the sender the value of the goods for which the cash on delivery service is provided;
- by agreement of the parties;
- on expiry of the period of retention laid down in point 5.4;
- by fortuitous impossibility of performance of the contract for 6 months after collection of the postal item;
- by operation of law, the burden of proof being on the Service Provider. The Service Provider may destroy mail which has caused or may imminently cause significant damage to persons, the environment, the installations used or other mail items, subject to compliance with the applicable legislation and, where possible, informing the sender.
5.3. Undeliverable mail items, return time
Postal items which, for reasons beyond the Provider's control, cannot be delivered to the addressee (or the person authorized to receive the postal item) or the addressee refuses to receive the postal item or to pay the value of the item in the case of the cash on delivery service.
The service provider shall notify the addressee by means of a notice announcing the attempted delivery of the postal item and shall keep the postal item which could not be delivered at the contact point for delivery for a period of 5 days from the date of the notice.
The Service Provider shall return the postal item to the Consignor's address within 7 working days in the case of domestic postal items and within 21 working days in the case of international postal items from the date of expiry of the advice period or from the date of attempted delivery, as the case may be, if the item could not be delivered to the addressee for the following reasons:
- the addressee's address does not exist or there is no building at that address where the postal item can be delivered, or an available service for receiving postal items (e.g. registry);
- the addressee/person authorised to receive the postal item has not been found at the indicated address and the time limit for notification has expired;
- the addressee or person authorised to take delivery of the postal item has refused to accept the postal item or to pay for the postal item subject to the cash on delivery service.
For all postal items, if the Service Provider has made all arrangements for delivery but has failed to deliver the postal item, the postal item will be returned to the sender. The return postage will be invoiced to the Applicant/Sender and the initial postage cost is NOT refundable.
5.4. Non-returnable mail item
Mail-pieces that could not be delivered to the addressee nor returned to the sender are considered non-returnable. The Service Provider is obliged to keep non-returnable postal items free of charge for a period of 6 months from the date of submission. After expiry of the retention period, the contents of the unreturned postal item shall become the property of the Service Provider.
6. Setting and payment of postal charges
Payment methods:
Payment of the tariff for services may be made in the following ways:
By bank card: by making payment by this method of payment, the Applicant will be able to complete the payment obligations by transferring the postal services in advance by bank card. The web page or the mobile application will redirect the Applicant to the payment platform, where he can indicate his data and complete his payment obligation. The tax invoice will be sent electronically.
Bank transfer: in case of payment by bank transfer, the Applicant will receive the order confirmation by e-mail. This document will represent the Proforma with the necessary details to make the payment to the chosen postal service. The tax invoice will be sent electronically after full receipt of the amount in the bank account.
7. Information, complaints
7.1. Information
The Service Provider undertakes to inform its customers of all essential changes in the terms and conditions of service, to send them by e-mail and to publish them on the website:
general terms and conditions;
the tariffs for services;
telephone number for permanent contact, other contact details;
any other information of public interest.
7.2. Complaints and enquiries
In accordance with the relevant legislation, the Service Provider is obliged to provide the possibility for requesting customers to submit complaints about the services (hereinafter referred to as complaints) free of charge. Customers may submit their complaints as follows:
- in writing, on paper;
- by email;
A complaint shall be deemed to be a complaint if the user claims that the services provided by the Service Provider are provided inadequately, have not been provided or have not met the quality conditions set out in this document. The Provider shall record and keep records of all complaints received from users to the Provider. The Provider shall be obliged to draw up and constantly update a general register in which all complaints made by senders or recipients, the supporting documents requested from them and the outcome of the resolution of complaints shall be recorded, including in cases where the postal service is provided by several providers.
The provider is obliged to verify complaints in a free, transparent and non-discriminatory procedure.
In the case of verbal observation, the Service Provider will act on the spot, as far as possible to resolve the damage, i.e. provide the necessary information.
7.3. Complaints mechanism
The service provider has established a mechanism for dealing with complaints, in particular regarding the loss, theft, partial or total destruction or damage of postal items, as well as non-compliance with the quality of service conditions (delivery terms, return terms, etc.). Complaints concerning postal items, arising in the course of the performance of the services provided by the Service Provider, may be submitted by the Sender or the Recipient within 6 months, calculated from the date of submission of the postal item.
Any complaint may be submitted by e-mail to
In order to settle the claim, claimants must describe in the content of the claim they submit the event (facts, acts and causes) related to the claim, formulate their claims, the method of payment chosen in the case of compensation and the information necessary for the transmission of the compensation, as well as their contact details (if the claim proves to be justified the claimant can be contacted), as well as to submit/send all the documents supporting their claims in order to carry out a correct and complete analysis (such as, where applicable, copy of the document proving payment of the postal service, copy of the courier letter, report drawn up in front of the courier upon delivery, supporting invoices, damaged packaging/product for expert appraisal, photographs, any other data and information that may be useful for the settlement of the claim).
In the case of complaints, the Service Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the complainant and respond in writing to the complainant in accordance with the complainant's request, and if the complainant has not indicated a way to do so, the Service Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the complainant in accordance with the way in which it received the complaint, as follows: for complaints made in writing submitted to the registered office, the Service Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the complainant on the spot, at the time of submission, communicating the number under which the complaint was registered; in the case of complaints sent to the registered office by means of a postal service, the Service Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing to the complainant, the address also being communicated by means of a postal service; in the case of complaints received by means of electronic mail, acknowledgement of the complaint shall also be made by means of electronic mail. The provider shall keep a record of all complaints received.
The Service Provider will analyse the complaint taking into account both the evidence submitted by the complainant and relevant information/evidence provided by its own partners or third parties involved and may, where appropriate, even request an expert opinion.
The Provider will resolve the complaint as soon as possible after receipt of the complaint, but no later than 3 months from the date the complaint was lodged. In the case of complaints that are settled favorably, the Provider shall compensate the User within 30 days of the date of completion of the analysis of the complaint by written resolution, with payment of the sums due to the complainant being made by bank transfer, without, however, exceeding the 3 month period mentioned above. In the event of a total or partial rejection of the claim, the Provider shall inform the claimant in writing of the reasons for this decision.
The customer's right to lodge a complaint against the Service Provider shall lapse if no complaint has been lodged with ANCOM or legal action (application for legal action) has been brought within 1 year of the date of submission of the postal consignment.
7.4. Exemption from liability for performance of services
The Service Provider shall not be liable for damage incurred in the provision of postal services, if such damage was caused for reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider:
- force majeure: wars, sabotage, riots, bombings or other emergencies, natural disasters, fires, strikes, bomb threats, or in the event of action taken by the responsible bodies under the National Defence Act; in this case the sender is entitled to a refund of the rates paid, except for the insurance rate.
- in the case where the postal item was obtained by seizure by the national or foreign authorities or following a failed postal item due to the procedures of the national or foreign authorities;
- if the damage was caused by hidden defects or by improper addressing;
- the item was received without objection by the addressee, with the exception of claims relating to loss, theft, damage or total or partial destruction of the contents of the postal item
- for consequential damages and lost profits.
The burden of proving the above damages shall lie with the Service Provider, including in respect of defective packaging and improper addressing, i.e. that the damage was caused for reasons outside its sphere of operation, or in addition to its performance under the contract, was caused by a person other than the person who suffered the damage
8. GDPR - Rules on data processing, data protection and privacy
8.1. Provision of data
The provider is obliged to provide the authorities with data about the provider that are necessary for requesting services, facilitating access, or performing tasks for the authorities, even if they are considered trade secrets.
The provider is obliged to make available to the public the data defined in the general terms and conditions. According to the above, during the provision of the data, the data provider is responsible for the timeliness, authenticity, punctuality and verifiability of the data content.
By providing data, the provider cooperates with the competent authorities in their proceedings - and especially in criminal proceedings - for the detection and/or prevention of illegal behaviour.
8.2 Protection of personal data, confidentiality
GOPOSTLY LDA processes personal data with a general identification function in compliance with the provisions of art. 8 of Law 677/2001, as well as art. 2 of Decision no. 132 of ANSPDCP:
"Art. 8 (1) The processing of personal numerical code or other personal data having a generally applicable identification function may be carried out only if: a) the data subject has expressly given his/her consent; b) the processing is expressly provided for by a legal provision".
Any processing of personal data, (...), may only be carried out if the data subject has expressly and unequivocally consented to the processing.
According to Article 12 of Law 677/2001 on the information of the data subject:
"(1) where personal data are obtained directly from the data subject, the controller is obliged to provide the data subject with at least the following information, unless the data subject already possesses that information: a) the identity of the controller and its representative, if any; b) the purpose for which the data are processed; c) additional information, such as : the recipients or categories of recipients of the data; whether the provision of all the data requested is obligatory and the consequences of refusing to provide them; the existence of the rights provided for by this law for the data subject, in particular the right of access, the right to intervene on the data and the right to object, as well as the conditions under which they may be exercised; d) any other information the provision of which is required by order of the supervisory authority, taking into account the specific nature of the processing. (2) where the data are not obtained directly from the data subject, the controller is obliged, at the time of collection of the data or, at the latest by the time of first disclosure, to provide the data subject with at least the following information, unless the data subject already possesses that information: a) the identity of the controller and of his representative, if any; b) the purpose for which the data are processed; c) additional information, such as : the recipients or categories of recipients of the data ; the existence of the rights provided for by this law for the data subject, in particular the right of access, the right to intervene on the data and the right to object, and the conditions under which they may be exercised ; d) any other information the provision of which is required by order of the supervisory authority, taking into account the specific nature of the processing.
In accordance with the provisions of Order no. 52/2002, the minimum security requirements for the processing of personal data, which are the basis for the adoption and implementation by the controller of the technical and organisational measures necessary to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of personal data, are contained in its own security policies and procedures.
The provider and its partner:
- are not entitled to open postal items;
- will not communicate data brought to their knowledge in the course of the service to other persons - except the sender, the addressee and the Service Provider's partner - outside the procedures of the competent authorities;
- may not hand over the mail item - for the purpose of knowing its contents - to anyone other than the sender, the addressee (i.e. the person authorised to receive the mail item);
- with the exception of the sender, the addressee (i.e. the person authorized to receive the postal item) and the Provider's partner - are not entitled to provide information to other persons in connection with the performance of the service.
8.3. Responsibility of the employee, representative and postal collaborator for data protection and confidentiality
The obligation of data protection and confidentiality is applicable to the Provider's employees, members, representatives and partners - even after the termination of the employment relationship, membership relationship, commissioning relationship, cooperation relationship - to the same extent as the Provider, and they are liable for their violation.
9. Copyright
The entire content of the gopostly website and application - images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphics, scripts, programs and other data - is the property of GOPOSTLY LDA and is protected by the Copyright Protection Act and by intellectual and industrial property laws. The use of any of the elements listed above without the consent of GOPOSTLY LDA is punishable by law.
If you wish to report an infringement of copyright on this site, please send your complaint to:
This document is an integral part of the commercial offer of Gopostly LDA, representing the general terms of the individual contract that will be considered concluded between the Applicant/Sender/Customer and Gopostly LDA, at the time of acceptance of the postal delivery in the postal network. The individual contract is concluded by the acceptance by the Applicant/Sender of the General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Postal Services, without the need to draw up a written document. Where appropriate, the provisions hereof shall be duly supplemented by the clauses inserted in the special contract concluded between Gopostly LDA and the Applicant/Customer/Sender, in addition to these General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Postal Services.
Annex # 1.
Articles which may be conditionally carried:
- LCD or plasma screen, plasma monitor, CRT screen, LED screen
- furniture mounted on pallets (condition: cardboard box properly padded)
- suitcase, trolley, suitcase, travel bag
The Applicant acknowledges that GOPOSTLY LDA will not commission or broker a shipment that is in contradiction with the Partners' regulations.
GOPOSTLY LDA will intermediate the transport of liquid or perishable goods, glass, LCD or plasma screen, CRT screen, LED screen, porcelain, paintings, mugs, vases, ceramic objects, furniture, defective goods, only on the basis of a special agreement.
In the case of transportation of artifacts, vases, paintings and jewelry Gopostly LDA has the right (respecting the rules of the partners) to request photos and documents supported by pro-forma invoices justifying the value. These will be signed by the Applicant. The necessary documents can be requested by e-mail or from Customer Service.
Also, the transport of goods exceeding the value of 1.000 Euro, fashion jewellery, jewellery or objects made of precious metals or precious stones (including industrial diamonds), medicines and health care products, microprocessors and electrical parts will be transported only with the sworn declaration of the Applicant and together with all legal documents.
It is the Applicant's legal obligation to notify GOPOSTLY LDA if the goods are part of hazardous materials.
If in the Terms and Conditions on the provision of postal services of GOPOSTLY LDA partners, there are items excluded from transport or items that can be conditionally transported, which have not been mentioned separately and in this annex, they constitute an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
GOPOSTLY LDA reserves the right to modify the list in this annex.